The Tannin Guys®
International network of experts in purified tannin water treatment for steam boilers and closed-loops heating and cooling systems.
International Presence: Find Your Local Expert

Steam Boiler
Water Treatment
Benefits of Purified Tannins
Scale and corrosion inhibitors, oxygen scavengers, dispersants and condensate treatment, plant-based, for steam boilers water treatment
Protect equipment and maximize heat exchange
Up to 5% reduction in GHG emissions and energy consumption
Up to 20% reduction in water consumption and up to 80% in wastewater discharge

Heating & Cooling Closed-Loops
Water Treatment
Benefits of Purified Tannins
Scale and corrosion inhibitor, oxygen scavenger, plant-based, for closed heating and cooling systems water treatment
Protect equipment and maximize heat exchange
Non-hazardous: safer to handle, non-toxic and does not contain molybdate
Multi-metal protection for steel, aluminum and copper

CLOZIT online tool for steam boiler mass balance
Benefits of Purified Tannins
CLOZIT to close the gap between your current operating method and proven options to save water and energy
Improve operation and reduce steam costs by analyzing your mass balance
Accurate numbers to evaluate your water treatment professional.
Sustainable approach that can improve your facilities without capital investment
The only global network of leading water treatment experts specializing in purified tannins for steam boilers and heating and cooling closed-loops water treatment.
Members of The Tannin Guys® treat thousands of industrial and institutional steam boilers in many countries with the same result: water, energy and GHG savings for all their customers.
The members of the network meet the same high standards of expertise and customer service in water treatment. They are committed to delivering high value-added service. They are all leaders in the water treatment field in their respective regions.
Brief history
TGWT and Korn are pioneers in purified tannin water treatment for steam boilers. In 2014, they joined forces to create The Tannin Guys®, a large-scale global network of distributors and experts in purified tannin .